How to Choose the Right Hearing Protection for Your Workplace

One of the lesser-known hazards of the workplace is industrial noise. Not only is it dangerous, it is easy to ignore, which makes it even more of a hazard. There are OSHA requirements that every company needs to meet to ensure employees are safe from industrial noise over the legal limit. There are harmful long-term effects of dangerous industrial sound, even with little exposure. Noise-cancelling safety equipment is a great way to protect employees and ensure they can go about their day safely. But how do you know how to choose the right hearing protection for your workplace? Many options are available so that every workplace can find the right fit for their employees’ needs.

Why Is Sound Dangerous?

Sound waves travel through the air all around us. Most sounds only produce a small amount of vibration, and we pick up these sounds through our eardrums and tiny hairs inside our ears. However, some sounds are much louder, so the vibrations are stronger. If a loud enough sound hits an eardrum, it could shatter it. If sounds over a certain decibel hit a person’s ears, they can injure the delicate tissues and hairs within the ears. Prolonged exposure to sound at a certain decibel can cause hearing loss, ear pain, and cell death. The injuries cannot be repaired in many cases, leading to permanent hearing loss and even deafness. Noise cancelling is so essential for the workplace. Employees could be permanently injured through noise pollution.

Safety Equipment for Noise Cancelling

There are many viable options for noise cancelling in the workplace. These are usually easy to install, and you can order anything from custom pieces to DIY materials. Learning how to choose the right hearing protection for your workplace can be simple so that you can enjoy the best materials for your situation.

Acoustic Foams

Acoustic foams are versatile because they absorb quite a bit of sound and are easy to put up. You can attach them to walls, doors, windows, and most surfaces. You can also cut them to your preferred sizes.

Safety Ear Muffs

Items like safety ear muffs are also PPE, or personal protective equipment. Ear protection headphones and ear muffs are great tools, especially when sound pollution is infrequent, random, or very loud and unmanageable. Wearing ear protection headphones and muffs can protect employees from this sound. Still, the risks place a lot of responsibility on an employee to ensure they wear PPE rather than the employer providing a safe environment. Ear protection headphones also don’t always work, or they may not always be worn properly.

Sound Absorbing Panels

Several different kinds of panels are available to absorb sound, but one of the most popular is fiberglass panels. They come in single or double-faced options. Single-faced panels are meant to sit against a wall or on the sides of machinery. Double-faced panels have more sound absorption, and they can be used as barriers, walls, and screens, or they can work in any situation that a single-faced panel would. These panels come in different sizes and thicknesses depending on your needs. Fiberglass panels are a great, inexpensive way to provide hearing protection in your workplace.

Acoustic Screens

Acoustic screens are versatile and robust metal panels that absorb higher sounds than many other options. There are many sizes and shape options for acoustic screens to reduce sound in any facility. If you want to know how to choose the right hearing protection for your workplace, acoustic screens are a great way to pursue sound protection for almost any situation.

Ceiling Baffles

One of the most simple and valuable sound-absorptive materials available is ceiling baffles. They are helpful because they hang from the ceiling to absorb sound waves. They are a great way to use the involved materials because they don’t take up space in the working areas of a warehouse or other workspace. They are often used in larger, high-ceiling buildings like warehouses because sound bounces around much easier in bigger, enclosed spaces with slick surfaces. Sound waves can easily travel and echo, harming people’s ears. Ceiling baffles can also be customized for your company so that you can choose the best style, size, and color for your facility. They are also flame-resistant and are often the best option for large buildings because they are also inexpensive.

Why Safety Equipment Is Important

Not only is it essential to be OSHA compliant, but it is also worth it to prepare and protect your employees from dangers. Simple solutions with noise control systems can make such a difference in your workplace. Employees should feel safe in their workplace and not worry about hearing loss. Providing proper safety equipment shows your employees that you care about their safety and well-being. It is something that every workplace should consider. Whether you own a factory or teach in a classroom, it is essential to know if you have a sound level that needs hearing protection. Measure the decibels in your workplace! Find out what levels of sound you experience, then seek out options to make it a safer and better place. Don’t overlook the dangers of sound! Contact us today at Singer Safety, and we can help you design and prepare a safe space in Chicagoland for employees and customers alike. Ensuring your employees are safe and well cared for should be your number one priority.

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