The Future of Industrial Safety: Trends and Innovations to Watch

The future of industrial safety is changing and growing every day. Industries are already on entirely new paths as technologies, trends, and innovative safety ideas continue to emerge. People are benefiting in every area of industries, which leads to fewer injuries for workers, better safety innovations and products, and overall less danger. Industrial workspaces are very complex, and while there are many dangers, there are also many ways to prevent injury or other losses. Especially in technology, many innovations continue to lead to better profits, more effective work, and higher quality work overall. The latest trends and innovations are exciting, and many are things that benefit companies all over the world. Each one brings something new to the table that affects the future of industrial safety.

Technology-Based Innovation

Technology development is one of the most important things that affect the future of industrial safety. It includes things like AI, machinery, software, and more. Each affects health and safety differently, and each provides interesting HSE topics and ideas.

AI’s Role in Safety Innovations

AI, or artificial intelligence, is an innovation that affects industrial safety immensely. There are a million applications for AI, but some include things like checking for PPE. If employees enter a workplace without their safety gear, they are much more likely to be injured. A supervisor can’t always check the PPE of every worker. With AI, they can detect who is wearing their PPE or isn’t. AI can also scan to detect other safety breaches in the workplace and report to the right channel when someone becomes injured. AI can also lock or shut off machinery that isn’t operating correctly or if someone is at risk for injury. There are so many uses for artificial intelligence in the workplace.

Innovative Machinery

One of the more clear innovative safety ideas is using robotics in industrial fields. There are dangers in every industrial field. Many industries are specialized so that only humans can complete specific tasks. With the creation of more specialized robots that can perform more complex tasks, they can start to take over more of these dangerous jobs. The risks for humans will reduce in more hazardous fields, leading to better safety, retention of workers, and, while it may not seem this way, more jobs. Specific examples of this innovation in machinery include machines that can load trucks, lift heavy objects, stack crates and other objects, stock shelves, and even cut or weld materials. Right now, welding can be hazardous, especially without the proper welding safety equipment.

Software and Applications

A big part of industrial safety innovations is ensuring technology works properly. Many accidents that result in injuries come from human error, but malfunctioning or difficult-to-operate technology and machinery make it that much worse. As software and applications develop, each machine can be adapted to much more user-friendly software. A forklift with a touchscreen is much simpler to operate than one with several levers and pedals that must work all at once. Larger machinery like cranes can be hazardous, so creating a more straightforward way to work them should help tremendously. 90% of crane accidents happen due to human error. Could we create software that allows crane workers to easily measure the weight of what they pick up? They could avoid lifting things that might exceed the crane’s weight limit, which causes many accidents.

Other Technologies

Many other technology-based advancements also affect the future of industrial safety. These vary among HSE (health, safety, and environment) topics like improving PPE or making the workplace more OSHA compliant. One of these is the idea that workers could wear devices that would be a part of their PPE to measure things like heart rate and fatigue and ensure they were safe while working. Another innovation is sensors in the workplace that can help protect workers by notifying them of various dangers, for example, alerting them if the level of sound is too high to be OSHA-compliant. Another machine could measure particles in the air that might be harmful. There are so many applications for these technologies.

The Future of Industrial Safety

The main thing about the future of industrial safety is that it is always improving! During the pandemic, many companies spent more time and effort to make their workspaces healthier and safer for employees. People are more aware of interesting HSE topics and strive to learn more. OSHA is now able to conduct more training nationwide because of virtual learning. They can even conduct inspections virtually, helping them save money and time and catch safety issues early. This resulted in a better focus within companies to remain OSHA compliant and ensure their employees were adequately trained and cared for. Having proper safety equipment also makes a big difference. This trend should remain constant. As employers prioritize their workers’ safety, they often see greater production and fewer issues for their operations.

Safety Equipment

As workplaces focus more on their OSHA compliance and look to the future, they need more effective safety equipment. Singer Safety in Chicagoland focuses on interesting HSE topics, provides safety equipment for many industries, and can even offer custom equipment depending on your company’s needs. While industrial companies vary, every workplace in an industrial field must follow OSHA regulations. Safety equipment isn’t optional. Following those rules and regulations protects employees and workers. Prepare your company and get the right equipment for your needs! Contact us today to get started and find out what equipment would be best for your company’s situation.

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