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Do Noise Control Systems Prevent Hearing Loss?

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The wide range of impactful effects a present observer or passerby can experience from active noise can depend largely on the precise volume of the noise itself as well as how long it lasts on a regular basis.

Do Noise Control Systems Prevent Hearing Loss?

The wide range of impactful effects a present observer or passerby can experience from active noise can depend largely on the precise volume of the noise itself as well as how long it lasts on a regular basis. The overall intensity and duration of area noise can greatly affect the different physical and psychological effects an observer or passerby experiences, including the initial severity and lasting time. Some effects can be temporary, while others can easily become longer-lasting or even permanent. 

Owing to the range of effects, their severity, and their duration, it’s easy to wonder what available options can effectively combat, reduce, or otherwise control this experienced noise. In this article, we’ll discuss the impacts of noise-induced hearing loss, what decibel level is harmful and to what extent this level can affect employees and other observers at your industrial business, and what noise control systems for ear protection are available to answer whether noise control systems can prevent hearing loss. 


The Impacts of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Area industrial noise can easily and quickly become actively affecting to a business’s employees and other regular observers. There are many different factors, including specific equipment pieces and industrial employee activities that can effectively create, intensify, and prolong experienced industrial noise. The general presence or otherwise frequency of these factors can also greatly impact the myriad, intensity, and long-term duration of the resulting physical and psychological effects. Some of the top psychological effects of regular industrial noise are anxiety, stress, irritability, trouble focusing, nausea, and depression. Some of the top physical effects of this consistent noise are sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and hearing problems. One of the biggest potential physical effects of consistent industrial noise exposure is the effect on hearing. Not only can you experience hearing loss in general, but this noise-induced hearing loss can become lasting or even permanent.

Any regular observer of consistent levels of industrial noise while on location at a business can experience these considerable effects, and aspects such as lasting or permanent hearing loss can greatly impact their ability to focus and perform work activities, communicate and connect with fellow employees and others, and their overall quality of life. It’s essential to learn the considerable impacts of noise-induced hearing loss to motivate increased and consistent action toward avoiding and otherwise negating them. 

Taking meaningful measures to educate on and enact protection against consistent levels of area noise also has a number of significant benefits, including positive impacts on employee productivity, production quality, business relations, employee and client retention, company reputation, and more. In consideration of the ranging types and effects of industrial noise and the myriad of significant benefits to negation and control of this noise, it can also help to learn more specific details of what noise level to avoid and the different effects of this and other levels.


What Decibel Level Is Harmful?

When you’re considering the potential range of impactful and sometimes lasting effects of industrial noise and want to learn how to avoid these various considerable effects for yourself and fellow employees at your given industrial business, it can be very helpful to learn more specifics about what you’re avoiding and otherwise negating. As the specific volume and duration of industrial noise can significantly impact the experienced personal effects, it can be highly beneficial to learn more details about what precise volume causes some of the most significant harm, as well as the severity of harm other specific volumes can cause. When you’re speaking about the volume of area noise, you’re essentially speaking about decibels. A decibel (dB) is the general unit used to effectively measure a certain sound’s level or volume. Many use it in measurement and reference to electronic, communication, and signal sounds

When discussing how loud a sound can be to create measurable or lasting harm to an employee’s hearing and wellness, the louder a given sound is, the shorter time it can take for hearing loss to occur. The longer the duration of a given sound, the greater a given employee’s risk is for hearing loss. When discussing decibels as a common form of sound measurement, a person’s whisper is essentially around 30 dB. Other communications, such as a typical conversation can be about 60 dB. Louder sounds than this, such as a motorcycle running, can reach levels of 95 dB. Further past these volume levels, loud noises ranging at or above 120 dB can cause instant harm to an employee’s ears and hearing ability. Noise levels at or above around 85 decibels can cause lasting damage to a person’s hearing. Examples of these noises are gas-powered engines, sirens, and industrial equipment and activities.


Noise Control Systems for Ear Protection

It can easily become concerning and overwhelming when you consider the wide range of physical and psychological effects of high levels of consistent noise. However, there are available methods and options for materials and products to effectively negate and control noise. Sufficient and lasting ear protection and safety for industrial employees is achievable with the right attuned methods and equipment. When you’re considering the ways in which welding, sawing, grinding, and other industrial activities and related equipment can cause high levels of consistent noise, some of the top methods for negating and controlling area noise are to eliminate or replace any unnecessary contributors, adapt and redesign equipment locations when layouts contribute to noise, and educate employees on methods of working and communicating to decrease noise. One of the most popular and effective methods of negating and controlling noise is with noise control systems. 

Implementing effective noise control systems involves choosing multiple specific noise control materials and products to negate and control noise. Some high-quality, worthwhile products from Singer Safety include the modular acoustic screens, quilted fiberglass panels, ceiling baffles, acoustic foams, and other DIY materials.


Noise Control Systems to Prevent Hearing Loss

When considering how to prevent hearing loss, noise control systems from Singer Safety provide impactful results. Connect with us today!


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