Double Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels
Singer Safety’s Double-Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels offer a noise barrier, sound absorption, and noise canceling on both sides of the panel – help keep the area soundproof. These lightweight panels are used as a supplemental noise barrier to acoustic screens and baffles. Constructed using our Quilted Fiberglass Material (QFM), a lightweight, semi-flexible fiberglass material, they can be used against flat surfaces or as stand-alone panels.
What are Quilted Fiberglass Panels?
Quilted fiberglass panels provide noise control for indoor construction and industrial areas. Our fiberglass panels combine high-quality noise absorption, noise barrier, and noise-canceling power for machinery, walls, and doors. They are an affordable and effective solution for noise in industrial workplaces. We manufacture both single and double-sided panels to match the level of sound protection you need in your facility.
Double Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels
Panels have bound hems, nickel plated brass grommets 12′ o.c. along top and double grommets 18″ o.c. along side edges for fastening to adjacent panels. Velcro is optional.
4’W – 1″ Thick Double Faced Panel – SC-123
Features of Singer Safety Double Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels
Double Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels
In addition to our Single Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels, we also offer Double Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels as an additional option for workplaces that require additional protection. The double-faced panels offer a noise barrier, sound absorption, and noise canceling on both sides of the panel in order to help keep the area soundproof. They are also constructed of our QFM material and can be used against flat surfaces, like the single faced quilted fiberglass panels, or as stand-alone panels.
Features of the Singer Safety Double-Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels
How Do Fiberglass Quilted Panels Reduce Sound?
Quilted fiberglass absorbers are made of soft porous, open-celled materials that are used to reduce the reflection of sound waves. As a result, reverberation time and ambient noise levels are reduced, which results in improving communication and productivity in all different kinds of workplaces.
Please determine the height and order curtain and noise panel systems to the exact height required. (Normal tolerance is +/- 2”).
Singer Safety Product Line
Singer Safety’s soundproof modular acoustic screens are versatile barriers used to isolate noise and protect workers in nearby work areas and protect them from hearing damage. The screens can be joined easily for flexibility. This allows you to protect the area you need as your production requirements change.
If you are looking for the most versatile industrial noise control and canceling product on the market, you’ve found it! Our screens let you assemble building-block type noise enclosures that can be adjusted or added to as your needs change.
You can effectively absorb sound throughout your facility with Singer Safety’s ceiling baffles. Our ceiling baffles are manufactured with quilted fiberglass material or poly-covered fiberglass, and are proven to control noise.
They are typically used in conjunction with other Sound Stopper products. They reduce reverberant noise in large rooms, noisy sections of plant floors, ro over sound partition enclosures to help keep an area soundproof.
Singer Safety’s fiberglass panels offer excellent noise absorption, noise barrier, and noise-canceling capabilities for machinery, walls, and doors. Typically, the panels are used to supplement acoustic screens and ceiling baffles. We manufacture both one-sided and two-sided panels to provide the level of protection you require.
Our quilted fiberglass materials, or QFM, is lightweight and semi-flexible, and is best used as a suspended barrier. Our industrial soundproof panels help reduce the exposure to noise in any working environment.
You can effectively absorb sound throughout your facility with Singer Safety’s ceiling baffles. Singer Safety’s acoustic foams are high-quality foams that provide excellent noise absorption in the mid-to-high range. We offer both convoluted (cone-shaped) and fat surface foams to provide the noise control you need for your application. Acoustic foams can be used to line machine or equipment surfaces, guards, enclosures, walls, and doors to absorb noise from industrial operations.
Singer Safety offers three options of Acoustic Foams: Standard Acoustic foam, Aluminized Mylar Foam, and Convoluted Foam.
Do-It-Yourself Materials
These rolls are a great option for projects where you need to fabricate your own enclosure or cover large areas. This material is an excellent noise absorber made of high-quality vinyl-coated facing cloth quilted to a supporting fiberglass.
Our Vibration Damper Compound stops vibration-induced noise at its source. It is an economical and effective way of treating large surface areas for vibration.