new construction safety first

New Construction Safety Equipment

New construction safety equipment is essential in an industry with a high injury potential. Whether building a home, fixing an oil rig, or working in a hospital with biohazards, on-site safety starts with some essential equipment. Unfortunately, the construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries to work in and has regularly reported the most workplace deaths.

Workers must wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as goggles, gloves, and fall restraints, to help avoid injuries caused by exposure to sharp objects, failing equipment, airborne debris, sparks, chemicals, waste products, or noise or air pollution. These PPE items help shield workers against these potential dangers and keep them healthy during their shifts. Many of these hazards can result in fatalities, so you must ensure workers have adequate protection with more than just PPE.

Construction Equipment and Safety

More than 20 percent of all worker-related fatalities in the United States occur in the construction industry, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Accordingly, it is essential to know how these accidents happen to identify risks and understand what to do when a severe accident happens to you.

Gas leaks, fires, and explosions can be sudden and deadly. Construction sites have many fire hazards: dust and debris, combustible and flammable liquids, flammable materials, overused power sockets, electrical equipment, employee smoking, and general negligence. To reduce the risk of injuries if a fire does occur, you need construction equipment and safety. Fire blankets smother fires and shield employees from additional risks. Fire blankets reduce fires by cutting off oxygen and keeping flames under control to extinguish them quickly, saving lives and minimizing property damage. Fire extinguisher covers increase visibility, protect equipment, and maintain cleanliness. If a fire does occur, your workers need to know where to find the equipment.

New construction’s four leading causes of death include falls, being caught in or between objects, electrocutions, and being struck by an object. So you need to evaluate your construction equipment and safety goals regularly.

Safety supplies for new construction are essential for completing projects, retaining revenue goals, and maintaining a safe environment. Safety protocols increase efficiency when moving resources around the work site, expediting work and improving new construction quality. Not only do they expedite progress on-site, but they can also help move resources more quickly. Heavy equipment can pose a serious safety risk on construction sites if not operated, stored, or appropriately maintained. Injuries, such as rollovers and being struck by accidents can be commonplace in workplaces involving construction equipment without proper care and attention. Contractors can reduce the risks posed by these machines and guarantee the safety of their crews by following simple procedures. By doing so, they significantly reduce the chance of injury or death.

Building Safety

Building safety is an integral component of any construction project, helping reduce potential hazards and casualties and guaranteeing the quality of work. When contractors neglect to use proper building processes and quality construction safety equipment, exposure to excessive heat, disorganized workspaces, and dangerous chemicals can cause construction workers to suffer serious long-term illnesses.

Protecting welders and those working around them is essential. Safety screens protect manufacturing operations, including welding, grinding, and cutting. Welding screens can protect workers from risks related to disorganization and offer numerous benefits:

  • Temperature control

  • A defined and safe welding area

  • Noise reduction

  • Contained welding fumes

With the rising number of new construction projects, a comprehensive site safety plan is more essential than ever. Not only does this guarantee worker and public safety during construction, but it can save your business both time and money in the long run.

Safety Supplies for New Construction

New construction safety equipment, such as safety glasses or goggles, is often seen as impactful PPE. While PPE can’t prevent all risks to building safety, it’s a great start. Gloves are essential for protecting against hand lacerations, cuts, and abrasions that can be debilitating and halt work. Safety boots are necessary to avoid slips and falls that could cause broken bones or other injuries.

Noise-Canceling Equipment

Noise-canceling equipment can save lives by isolating or blocking noise from nearby workers. For example, Singer Safety provides partitions and industrial screens that can completely enclose noisy machinery and equipment to reduce sound levels significantly.

Single-Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels

If you have an area of your workplace with excessive noise that needs containment, quilted fiberglass panels combine efficient sound absorption with noise barring and noise-canceling performance. These quilted fiberglass panels often supplement acoustic screens and ceiling baffles. An industrial soundproof panel will help reduce the exposure to noise in any of your working, new construction, and industrial environments.

Quilted fiberglass panels provide noise control for indoor and outdoor construction working areas. Fiberglass panels combine high-quality noise absorption, noise barrier, and noise-canceling power for machinery, walls, and doors. They are an affordable and effective solution for the noise of construction.

Single-faced quilted fiberglass panels have quilted fiberglass material (or QFM) on one side. They are mobile and fit nicely against walls or machinery sides. Singer Safety Company’s Fiberglass Material is lightweight, semi-flexible, and best used as a suspended barrier. In addition, QFM provides a noise barrier and sound absorption.

Double-Faced Quilted Fiberglass Panels

On the other hand, double-faced quilted fiberglass panels as new construction safety equipment provide a noise barrier, sound absorption, and noise canceling on both sides of a given panel to help keep the area nearly soundproof. Constructed of QFM, they can also be used against flat surfaces, like single-faced quilted fiberglass panels or stand-alone panels.

If you need to deaden noise, organize areas, and protect against fire and mayhem in your workplace, you must up your stock of safety supplies for new construction. You can trust Singer Safety Company’s new construction safety equipment. Singer Safety Company developed the original industrial noise partition in 1965. We are known for providing practical solutions to issues and building safety concerns associated with risks on and off the job site.

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