How New Vinyl Strip Doors Can Save Your Company Money
Bacteria, bugs, and extreme temperatures are among the things no business owner wants to contend with. If these things start to affect your equipment or products, they can cost a great deal of money and be highly detrimental to your success. In this article, we’ll discuss how new vinyl strip doors can save you money, including how strip curtains, door strips, plastic curtain strips, and noise control systems can provide your business with impactful benefits and negate many of the things that can otherwise cost your company.
What Costs Your Company Money?
Various things can cost your company money over time, with some differences depending on the unique industry you are part of. It’s highly important to know some of the top things that can infiltrate and negatively affect your employees, products, equipment, and operations. Once you have a better idea of what can cost your company money, you can consider what behaviors and equipment can keep you from losing money. Some of the top things that can cost your company money include bacteria, dust, bugs, noise, and extreme temperatures.
Many studies demonstrate the widespread negative effects that different bacteria can have on a business, especially as the fight against COVID-19 continues. Bacteria can cost a business its employees by contributing to more sick employees, employees being ill for longer, and employees contracting various illnesses again when they return to work. When you face widespread employee illnesses and the possibility of repeat illnesses, business operations can slow significantly or even halt, healthcare costs can rise, and turnover can increase due to the public perception of unhealthy and unsafe work conditions.
The buildup of dust throughout warehouses and other important workspaces can significantly impact business costs and revenue. Dust generation, such as coal dust, silica dust, asbestos dust, and more throughout industrial workspaces can lead to widespread illnesses, fines, and penalties from local authorities if you exceed acceptable amounts, and can even be fatal to employees and their loved ones if not properly contained, blocked, and minimized. Large amounts of dust in the air can also be a safety hazard, causing a lack of visual clarity and clean air during operations.
Insects and other pests can cost a company significant amounts of money each year in operating costs, as they can infiltrate a warehouse or other workspace and contaminate or destroy products. Preventing bugs and other pests from contaminating and destroying your products is important for your revenue, as contamination and destruction affect production and sales. Pests can also give your company a bad reputation, which affects revenue and employee retention.
In many work environments, noise poses a serious safety threat. Excessive noise levels are more than irritating in a work environment, they can distract employees and cause a lack of mental and physical clarity during operations. Distractions and unsafe conditions also decrease production, which negatively affects revenue. Excessive noise over prolonged periods can also cause employees to lose hearing. Hearing losses can then affect your healthcare costs, retention, and reputation.
Extreme heat or cold can also negatively impact a business’s success. A company can experience decreased productivity due to extreme temperatures as employees often work slower and have a range of health issues from regular exposure to either severe heat or cold. If your warehouse or other workspaces have low heat and cold retention, you can also face higher cooling and heating costs. Extreme temperatures can also lead to product losses and equipment malfunctions.
How Singer Safety Can Save Your Company Money
Certain behaviors and equipment can save you a significant amount of money by protecting your company from unwanted contaminants, pests, and environmental factors. They can also provide you with a greater level of safety, which can contribute significantly to your money savings and revenue potential. Some of the top equipment pieces from Singer Safety that can save your company money include vinyl strip curtains, door strips, plastic curtain strips, and noise control systems.
Vinyl Strip Curtains
Vinyl strip curtains, also known as vinyl strip doors, consist of transparent PVC strips. Many people use them in entrances and internal workspaces. In entrances, vinyl strip curtains can protect employees from extreme weather, extreme temperatures, and outdoor contaminants. In internal workspaces, vinyl strip curtains provide increased safety and noise control for employees by separating internal spaces and reducing noise filtration between different workspaces.
Vinyl Door Strips
If you already have a variation of vinyl strip doors but they are damaged, underperforming, or missing door strips, consider Singer Safety’s replacement vinyl door strips. High quality and durable, these vinyl door strips provide a consistently high level of protection against industrial sparks, optical flash, and metal waste. By dividing your workspaces with these door strips, you can provide safety alerts and enclose hazardous areas. They also provide superior insulation.
Plastic Curtain Strips
Singer Safety’s strip doors also come in plastic and a range of quantities and widths. You can choose from ribbed or smooth plastic curtain strips. Depending on your business’s unique needs and operations, you can also choose more specific curtain strips, including freezer strips, orange safety strips, anti-static strips, welding bronze strips, and Hypalon-coated fiberglass strips. All of Singer Safety’s options are high-quality, heavy-duty, and provide effective results.
Noise Control Systems
When it comes to investing in your business and saving money by negating some of the top things that can cost your company money, another effective solution is a noise control system. While vinyl strip curtains, vinyl door strips, and plastic curtain strips can protect your business from unwanted pests, contaminants, and environmental factors, noise control systems specifically target and decrease harmful noise levels throughout various workspaces.
Use Vinyl Strip Doors to Save Your Company Money
When it comes to providing your business with the highest levels of productivity, cost-efficiency, and revenue success, vinyl strip doors and more from Singer Safety yield results. For more ways to save your company money, connect with Singer Safety.