In virtually any industrial work environment, there are several potential risks to the health and safety of employees that you need to keep top of mind. With welding environments specifically, using welding curtain systems will help maintain a safe industrial work environment. Some of the most common welding hazards involve welding, brazing, and cutting activities that your employees engage in on a consistent or daily basis. Health and safety hazards from welding, brazing, and cutting activities can involve significant exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, metal fumes, and more. 

The specific health and safety hazards of these welding, brazing, and cutting operations include potential employee eye damage, burns, electrical shock, crushed or otherwise damaged fingers and toes, and cuts. You can control many of these welding environment hazards by providing high-quality and durable personal protective equipment to your employees. You can also control welding hazards by enforcing consistent and proper use of this personal protective equipment  and by establishing and enforcing employee education. Meaningful employee education includes educating on welding health and safety hazards, proper equipment use, and other health and safety initiatives. In this article, we’ll discuss how to begin creating safe welding environments at your industrial facility. Singer Safety offers high-quality, reliable welding safety equipment and other personal protective equipment to protect your valuable employees, equipment, and facility, including roll up weld curtains, welding curtains with a frame, and more.


Safe Welding Spaces

With the consistent use of high-quality, reliable welding safety equipment for your industrial workspaces, you can experience numerous benefits. If employees ignore or don’t consistently engage in meaningful safety practices, these employees, your equipment, and your business can experience exposure, injury, and damage from poisonous gasses and fumes, electric shocks, explosions and fires, and potentially life-threatening accidents. Some of the benefits of implementing proper practices include protecting your employees from significant injury or even death, reducing employee exposure to fumes, preventing facility explosions and fires, ensuring the highest quality work and employee productivity, and properly meeting established industry standards for welding safety. 

Implementing proper welding safety depends significantly on the emphasis and priority your business places on it. Safety initiatives can vary depending on the technology and welding processes used. Welder skill sets, machines, and equipment can differ, making safety rules dependent on your business. To begin creating safe welding environments at your industrial facility, supervisors and managers must ensure all welding employees understand equipment instruction manuals, material safety data sheets, and your company’s welding safety practices. Engage in timely safety assessments and reviews, maintain workforce training and safety encouragement, and maintain meaningful communication regarding safety issues, concerns, and implementation.While it’s essential to encourage employees to follow the welding safety rules and regulations established by the industry and your business, selecting dependable welding safety equipment such as that from Singer Safety is also vital in protecting your business and its interests.  


Welding Barriers

Employee health and safety should always be a top priority in welding, cutting, and brazing operations at industrial facilities. Once you know some of the top health and safety hazards that these industrial activities can present to your employees, equipment, and workspaces, the next step is to consider what pieces of welding safety equipment your business could benefit from. When it comes to seeking out the highest quality, reliable, and long-lasting welding safety equipment, no company can help protect and promote your company’s interests like Singer Safety. As a top industrial safety equipment provider in the Chicago area, Singer Safety continues to be a leader in providing the highest quality, durable welding equipment. Welding barriers and welding curtain systems can make a big difference.

Welding curtain systems include multiple welding curtain products and associated equipment and hardware for welding employees. Welding curtain systems can provide impactful welding barriers for health and safety. Some of the top pieces of welding, cutting, and brazing safety equipment to consider implementing in your industrial workspaces include roll up weld curtains, welding curtains with a frame, and welding and safety screens.


Roll Up Weld Curtains

Singer Safety’s welding curtains provide high-performance and high-temperature protection with a flame-resistant barrier. With the roll up curtains, you can create custom enclosed areas. You can also choose from a variety of materials and opaque or translucent curtains to suit your specific needs.


Welding Curtains with a Frame

The available curtains, including those with a frame, can allow for proper ventilation while providing a barrier against hearing damage and other injuries. They are durable, light, and easy to assemble for use either alone or joined together. 


Welding and Safety Screens

Screens for welding are also available to withstand extreme temperatures, reduce UV light amounts, and contain welding fumes. Welding blankets are available for thermal isolation and heat protection of up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.


Creating Safe Welding Environments with Singer Safety

Since 1950, Singer Safety has been producing reliable, durable welding safety equipment and products. For the highest quality safety equipment for your facility, connect with Singer Safety today!