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What Are The Best Sound Dampening Curtains?

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Have you ever had a lot of traffic noise while you were trying to sleep? Sound dampening curtains are perfect to cancel out all of the loud city noise.

What Are The Best Sound Dampening Curtains?

Have you ever had a lot of traffic noise while you were trying to sleep? Sound dampening curtains are perfect to cancel out all of the loud city noise. For example, in a city that never sleeps like New York City, sleep is still essential. What you probably don't know is sound dampening curtains are wonderful for uses beyond sleeping at night. Sound dampening curtains are perfect for an easy-to-use and affordable soundproofing option!

Putting up soundproofing tools like soundproof blankets or industrial noise-canceling products can be exhausting. All of the heavy-duty materials can be disruptive and tedious to remove. A simpler option is using sound dampening curtains. Sound dampening curtains are almost like regular curtains but a little heavier and thicker to cancel out the noise! And an even simple option would be DIY soundproofing tools. Getting crafty is always a quick alternative.

The best sound dampening curtains are typically made out of polyester, suede, velvet, or a multi-layer curtain of wool and other acoustic fabrics. Sound dampening curtains can be hung in front of windows, over walls,  and even draped over ceilings if you choose. 

Today we are discussing all of the pros and cons that come with using sound dampening curtains. Many things that sound dampening curtains do well in comparison to heavier products like noise-canceling screens or blankets. Soundproofing materials can get quite expensive very fast,  and sound dampening curtains are an affordable alternative to those expensive products!

What Are Sound Dampening Curtains

First, let's talk about what sound dampening curtains are! Most sound dampening curtains are made out of acoustic fabrics. In other words, acoustic fabrics are sound deadening or noise-blocking materials. When using noise-blocking curtains, you'll find that a lot less external noise enters a room and no lot less internal noise exits a room. Are great for personal use, creative use, and/or industrial uses!


Sound dampening curtains can be used in all kinds of settings. Here are  just a couple of examples of how sound-dampening curtains can be used:


How Acoustic Curtains Are Made

Acoustic curtains are made a little bit differently than most soundproofing tools but with the same concept in mind.  Because acoustic curtains are made to replicate regular curtains, only the material of the curtain is changed. As you can assume acoustic curtains are a little bit heavier and thicker to block out noise. 


Let's discuss the material that sounds dampening curtains are made out of. As previously mentioned, acoustic fabrics that are used in other noise-canceling tools like blankets or screens are used for these curtains. Depending on the manufacturer, There can be differences in acoustic Fabrics. Not all acoustic curtains are made the same!

Sound dampening curtains are typically made out of velvet, suede, and polyester mixes that can be covered in tightly laced fabrics to seal sound from seeping through. Sounds effective right? These curtains are no joke! 

You may be wondering why choose sound dampening curtains when there are so many other products out there that can be simpler.  And that is a great question!  There are certain benefits that acoustic curtains provide that other products, like soundproof room dividers cannot.  So let's talk about the difference between soundproof room dividers and soundproof curtains. Which is simpler?  Which is more effective?  Which is more budget-friendly? Let’s get to the nitty-gritty!

Soundproof Room Divider vs Sound Dampening Curtains

Let me paint the picture! You are looking for budget-friendly ways to cancel some noise from an area or room. Also, you want something that you can put up and take down fairly easily… aka you are looking for a renter-friendly option. You've concluded that soundproof room dividers might be the best fit. Or should you go with sound dampening curtains? 


They have a lot of similarities in their usefulness, as far as blocking out noise, but there is a difference in how much noise is absorbed! First, let's touch on the similarities of each, and then we'll talk about the differences.



Soundproof Dividers:

Sound dampening curtains:


I hope this quick comparison of soundproof dividers versus soundproof curtains gives you a little bit more clarity into what is best for you.  Keep in mind that both of these options are geared towards affordable options and are not considered completely soundproof! 

Pros and Cons of Sound Dampening Curtains

Overall, the quality of sound-absorbing factors in sound dampening curtains slightly outweighs soundproof dividers. A couple of things to note before purchasing sound dampening curtains. Here are quick pros and cons to using sound dampening curtains:



For All Your Sound Dampening Needs

Singer Safety is here for all of your sound dampening needs. Within the broad category of Industrial safety, Singer Safety has national recognition and focuses on the niche area of "Industrial Barrier Protection". It is our mission to make your workplace a safe environment for you and your employees. 

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