A Worker suffers from ear pain near wind turbines so he wears noise canceling headphones

How Vibration Dampers Can Produce A More Comfortable Work Environment

A vibration damper is a noise control product that helps control mechanical sound, specifically vibration sound. Legally, a company is bound to provide a safe work environment that is OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) approved. One of the most important rules of a safe workspace is that the workers are protected from any extreme exposure to any sounds that might injure their hearing. Repetitive exposure to loud sounds can actually damage a person’s hearing and can also kill the nerve endings inside and outside the ear. This cannot be corrected once damaged! It is absolutely essential in loud workplaces that each employee has a safe level of sound wherever they are working. Vibration dampers are one of the best ways to produce a comfortable and safe work environment.

Noise Controlling Products

There are several different kinds of available options to absorb or dampen sound in the workplace, which are all OSHA-approved. These range in viability and convenience.

Personal Sound Cancellation

One of the most common and inexpensive ways that employers provide ear protection is through earplugs or noise-canceling headphones. While this is effective, in most workplaces this is inconvenient and annoying. While this may work for close encounters with sound, in most workplaces the employees still need to hear. Using personal noise-canceling devices also cancels out any communication between the members of the workplace. It also cancels sounds like emergency bells. This can be a safety hazard. Personal sound cancellation is one of the least effective models for creating a sound-safe environment.

Soundproof Screens

One great product that is a vibration damper is a soundproof modular acoustic screen. This is a flexible and versatile product that can be set up very quickly. This can be set up in such a way to either contain loud machinery from other workers, or to put workers in a smaller, sound-safe, enclosed environment. These screens can be used in many different configurations and are available in multiple sizes.

Fiberglass Panels

These panels are used as insulation and are made of vibration damping materials. Fiberglass panels are placed on walls, around doors, and are lightweight and flexible. Most of the time, fiberglass panels are supplemental vibration damping materials. Most companies use them inside soundproof screens, noise-blocking curtains, or other vibration dampers.

Ceiling Baffles

A ceiling baffle is another noise-controlling device made with vibration damping materials. Usually made of fiberglass, these are designed to attach to the ceiling of the workplace and be a sound and vibration absorber. This helps keep the sound waves from bouncing off the ceiling and reverberating around the workplace. Many people don’t realize how much sound actually bounces off the ceiling, so ceiling baffles can be a great way to protect your workers.

Acoustic Foams

Another great vibration absorber is acoustic foam. With many options available, foams can work quite well to protect your workplace. Fiberglass isn’t always ideal due to its health dangers, and acoustic foams are safe for people to touch and work with. Foams can also be attached to more surfaces as well, making them more versatile.

Other Options

There are other options available that are made of vibration damping materials. There are also other ways to avoid workers coming in contact with damaging sounds. This includes dividing spaces for workers and machines, having open areas where sound waves disperse, and even having as many workers as possible in other areas where they don’t get exposed to those sounds. Whatever works for your company and is OSHA compliant is the best way to go.

Why do Vibration Dampers Work?

Sound is created by soundwaves, which bounce off of certain surfaces. Slick surfaces like metal and glass are some of the most reflective surfaces for sound. Other surfaces like rock are also very reflective for soundwaves, which is why places like warehouses or caves are very echoey. Most workspaces with heavy machinery are made of metal or concrete or plastic, which all tend to reflect soundwaves. The heavy machinery creates loud sounds that can damage hearing, and when those soundwaves are bouncing around the room, they damage people’s ears. Vibration damping materials are soft and specifically designed to absorb sound waves. This means that when they are placed strategically, they can keep sound waves from bouncing around the room and damaging people’s hearing.

Side Effects of Noise

The most important thing about vibration dampers is that they protect people. Not only does loud sound affect hearing, but it also can cause a myriad of health problems, especially over time. Loud noises, especially repetitive sound over long periods of time, is a contributing cause of high blood pressure, heart problems, stress, and difficulty sleeping. This is especially true for younger people. Tinnitus is also a serious problem caused by loud sounds, which is a long-term ringing in the ears. This is extremely difficult to live with. Hearing loss in itself is also very frustrating and difficult for many people to deal with. Keeping the workplace free from sound pollution is so important for every employee!

Vibration Dampers and Your Workplace

Subpar vibration absorbers just won’t cut it in the workplace. Your workers need to know that they are working in a safe environment. Loud, abrasive noise in the workplace is not only unsafe, but it is also extremely annoying and frustrating for people trying to work. Constantly yelling over one another and not getting a break from the loud machinery is so difficult to deal with. You can actually use special instruments to test the noise level in your workplace! Using those tools to measure the sound and find out if it is at dangerous levels can help you know if you need more vibration damping materials. When you put these materials in your workspaces to protect your workers, the workplace is so much more inviting and safe. Make the safety of your employees your priority, and make sure your workplace is at a safe decibel rating. You will be so grateful you did!

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