How to Minimize Noise in Your Animal Shelter
Excessive noise in your animal shelter can be irritating for staff members and visitors, but it can also be a serious safety hazard. Many types of noises make up an animal shelter’s soundscape, including ringing phones, equipment, human voices, and animal voices. Given the psychological and physiological impact that sound can have on people and animals alike, it’s essential to be mindful of noise and noise levels in your shelter. In this article, we’ll discuss the present and harmful noise you can experience in an animal shelter and how to minimize the noise in your animal shelter with effective soundproofing equipment and other additions.
Animal Shelter Noise
Various things can make up the encompassing noise you can experience in an animal shelter. In discussing the potential harm that excessive noise can have on observers, it’s important to remain mindful that animal ears are even more sensitive to persistent and loud noise than human ears. The animals of a shelter are a big consideration when it comes to increasing and upholding levels of safety and comfort in an area. If you receive complaints from visitors and people adopting animals, these can serve as a useful resource for maintaining awareness of present noise levels in your shelter as you can become less objective.
In virtually any work environment, there are numerous reasons to keep sounds at a reasonable and safe level. Sound levels beyond reasonable and safe levels, referred to as noise, can cause various health and safety issues. Regular amounts of excessive noise can cause severe and lasting damage to the hearing of present people and animals. It can also pose a serious workplace safety issue by distracting staff members and causing them to be less able to hear or respond to instructions or warning signals. Under these conditions, work productivity, relationships, and mental health can also suffer. It’s vital to contain, reduce, or eliminate noise.
Room and Dog Kennel Soundproofing
In avoiding the adverse health and safety effects of noise pollution, it’s vital to understand what noise reduction and elimination options are available. At your animal shelter, there are steps you can take to protect the ears of people and animals. Some initial steps you can take to control noise in your shelter’s individual spaces include using quieter voices during discourse, playing classical music throughout rooms, and reducing present levels of barking. These environmental changes can make a certain impact when it comes to reducing the amount of present noise throughout an animal shelter or other commercial space.
When it comes to controlling and eliminating present noise, other changes can make a lasting difference with less effort. More lasting changes to your shelter’s environment include replacing noisy equipment and renovating or modifying the physical environment. While using quieter voices and soothing music as well as working to reduce barking can have some effect, these can be challenging and require consistent effort. Using a quiet voice in a loud environment reduces overall noise but can make it even harder to hear. Music can only temporarily soothe animals. Reducing barking can be difficult with so many and consistently new animals.
Soundproof Room for Dogs
For lasting and effective soundproofing of your animal shelter spaces, you can replace noisy equipment and renovate or otherwise modify the physical environment. As among the noisiest areas of an animal shelter, the top areas of focus for soundproofing are the indoor areas where the animals spend their time. These enclosed spaces can hold a great deal of noise and even amplify or increase it. You can replace the noisy equipment in these rooms and modify the environment for better soundproofing with ceiling sound baffles and DIY noise control materials.
Ceiling Sound Baffles
Operating as hanging fiberglass noise absorbers, ceiling sound baffles are an economical and highly efficient method of combating the excessive noise you can endure in an animal shelter. They eliminate reverberant noise in spaces with high ceilings or areas that have noisy floors.
DIY Noise Control Materials
When you want a soundproof room for dogs, DIY noise control materials can also suit a range of individual spaces. Singer Safety offers several DIY noise control products for a do-it-yourself solution, including quilted fiberglass rolls and a vibration damper compound for vibration noise.
Soundproof Kennel
Beyond replacing some of the general equipment in your animal areas with ceiling sound baffles and DIY noise control materials, you can also soundproof the individual kennel spaces with these and other products. In addition to ceiling sound baffles and DIY noise control materials, you can also add modular acoustic screens and acoustic foams to individual animal spaces. While ceiling sound baffles can suit the overhead areas of many rooms and industrial areas, you can control present noise levels even more by replacing the equipment of your individual kennels or adapting the kennels for fully individualized noise absorption and vibration control.
Modular Acoustic Screens
For your individual kennel spaces, Singer Safety’s soundproof modular acoustic screens provide the ultimate flexible and versatile noise barriers. These engineered metal panels can isolate the noise from nearby staff members, guests, and animals, combatting regular area noise pollution.
Acoustic Foams
In addition to modular acoustic screens, you can enjoy truly soundproof kennel spaces with acoustic foams. With high-quality acoustic panels and foams, you can enjoy superior noise absorption and insulation. These foams can provide absorption and insulation for guards, walls, enclosures, doors, and other equipment and machine surfaces. You can use them on convoluted or flat surfaces, depending on your unique needs.
Minimizing Noise in Your Animal Shelter
High levels of regular noise throughout your animal shelter can cause lasting harmful effects on the working staff members and guests as well as the animals waiting for adoption. For the health and safety of the people and animals, it’s essential to minimize the noise in your animal shelter with room and dog kennel soundproofing. Singer Safety has a range of noise control materials to meet the individual needs of your shelter spaces today.