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Common Safety Equipment Used in Warehouses

Safety is important in all industries, but in places where injuries are more common, it is all the more important to understand what is needed to keep employees safe. Warehouses are full of hazards big and small. If you do not have some of the most common safety equipment used in warehouses, you are opening yourself up to disaster. Things fall and people trip;  the more prepared you are for common accidents the less likely that simple accidents will turn into big problems. In this article, you will learn about common safety equipment used in warehouses, why it is important they have warehouse PPE, and we will give you some warehouse safety ideas that you can implement to make your warehouses all the safer for your employees.

Warehouse PPE

Before we discuss common safety equipment used in warehouses, let’s go over what warehouse PPE is. Warehouse PPE refers to the personal protective equipment used by people working in warehouses. Warehouse PPE is the common safety equipment used in warehouses. Workers use warehouse PPE to protect them from risks associated with working in a warehouse that could jeopardize their health

Now that you know what warehouse PPE is, let’s discuss the specifics. Some of the most common safety equipment used in warehouses are listed below.


Warehouses are comprised of rows and rows of merchandise stacked high on shelves. Odds are something is going to eventually fall. As such, hard hats are a must-have piece of warehouse PPE.

Hand Protection

Another example of common safety equipment used in warehouses is hand protection, mainly gloves. Even the simplest job of moving a box can end in a deep cut. Hands are easily injured, so anything you can do to keep your fingers safe will leave you better off.


Some warehouses house chemicals, while others are just prone to particles floating through the air. Either way, eye protection will keep your eyes from at least becoming irritated and worse losing their sight.

Proper Footwear

The importance of proper footwear can not be overstated. Just as a falling object can land on your head, so too can it land on your foot. Another risk is stepping on something sharp. Warehouses are full of tools and all it takes is someone leaving a knife where they are not supposed to for it to end up in your foot. With proper, sturdy footwear, you can minimize injuries.

Another benefit of proper footwear is simple comfort. When you stand on your feet all day, they are bound to become sore. If they become sore, you are going to have a very hard time getting through your shift. Footwear with arch and ankle support can keep your feet from tiring as fast, making your shift just a bit more bearable.

Ear Protection

Hearing loss is very common. The noisy atmosphere of the warehouse means hearing loss is even more common for those who work in warehouses. Earplugs and earmuffs can suppress those loud sounds giving you a few more years of excellent hearing.

High Visibility Jackets

Warehouses often come with heavy machinery. Forklifts, scissor lifts, and other heavy-moving handling equipment pose a threat to warehouse staff if the operator is not paying proper attention. High visibility jackets make it easier for warehouse staff to see each other in both low-light situations and while operating machinery. The easier someone is to see the less likely they will be hit.

PPE in Warehouse

Now you know about the most common safety equipment used in warehouses, but why does this matter? As a warehouse owner, it is your job to make sure your employees are equipt with the PPE they need to stay safe. If you lack proper PPE in warehouses, you open yourself to many issues such as injuries and lawsuits.

Common Warehouse Injuries

The warehouse is a place of many moving parts and just as many opportunities to get hurt. Here is a list of some of the most common warehouse injuries.

Slips and Falls

Everyone has fallen at some point in their lives. In a warehouse, surrounded by merchandise and people doing different tasks, your odds of falling are pretty high. Although it is a common occurrence, that does not mean the consequences will always be minuscule. Falls result in anything from sprains to broken bones to traumatic brain injury. Falling can put a person out of work for the rest of their life. As such, it is important to clean up spills as soon as they happen, keep walkways clear and use proper safety gear when employees are in high-up places.

Crush Injuries and Pinning

Crush injuries result from prolonged compression to the body. Forklifts and other machinery can crush an employee who gets too close and when the driver can not see them. These injuries can cause trauma to the affected limb damaging the nerves and the muscle. It could even kill someone.

Chemical Spills

Some production facilities use chemicals in production or maintenance. Exposure to chemicals can cause skin and eye irritation, breathing issues, and poisoning. Safety data sheets should be on hand for every chemical stored in the facility.

Warehouse Safety Ideas

Now that you have the most common safety equipment used in warehouses on hand and are informed on why you need PPE in warehouses, you can take some time to explore these warehouse safety ideas that will take your warehouse safety standards up a notch.

Optimize Layout

Consider your current layout. Is it logical to follow? Are there any tight spots or heavily trafficked areas that could be optimized? Just like a busy intersection can add a traffic light or a roundabout to reduce accidents, you can organize your warehouse in a way that routes foot traffic away from machines and prevents congestion. Use industrial curtains to section off workspaces.

Communicate and Train Employees

Communication and training is the best way to keep employees safe. Clearly state expectations and safety responsibilities so there is no question regarding the procedure. Regularly schedule training sessions to keep employees up to date on the most recent safety information. Regularly evaluate what you and your employees can do to make the workplace safer. Use a safety checklist to make sure safety tasks are completed.

Regularly Inspect Equipment

Regularly make sure your equipment is up to par. Prevent malfunctions that could leave people seriously injured by finding the problem before it turns into a hazard.

Singer Safety

Do you need someone to equip you with the most common safety equipment used in warehouses? Singer Safety has you covered with everything from industrial curtains and vinyl door strips to noise control systems and fire safety equipment. We have what you need to make your warehouse safe.

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